Easy steps to watermark a video(AS+FFmpeg)
How to import FFmpeg in Android project (Only use Java)
- Download this https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2aT0QoEmtuaN0VJZ2Z4ODY3T2s/view
- File => New => import module => go find the folder downloaded at step1:
Add permission in AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
if the version is higher than Android 6, add the following code in onCreate() of your Activity
GeneralUtils.checkForPermissionsMAndAbove(MainActivity.this, false);
Alt+Enter if encounter red font, AndroidStudio would help you to modify "build.gradle(Module)"
(Not sure if necessary) In build.gradle(Module)
Android{ ....... defaultConfig{ .... targetSdkVersion ... <Add the following code> ndk{ abiFilter "armeabi-v7a" } } } ..... dependencies{ ... <Add the following code if doesn't exist> compile project(':ffmpeg4android_lib') }
add following code in "gradle.properties"
and then async project
How to use WaterMarkHelper(by Johnny Tu) to add watermark on video
- After import "WaterMarkHelper.java" in your project, declare the following in your Activity
WaterMarkHelper myHelper;
initialize myHelper with arguments
Arguments description:
String inputVideoPath (ex:"/sdcard/input.mp4") String inputWaterMarkPath (ex:"/sdcard/waterMark.png") String outputVideoPath (ex:"/sdcard/output.mp4") String waterMarkX the X-coordinate Video width: main_w, Video height: main_h, Image Width: overlay_w, Image Height: overlay_h String waterMarkY
example code:
myHelper = new WaterMarkHelper("/sdcard/in.mp4", //be sure that in.mp4 exist in /sdcard/ "/sdcard/watermark.png", //be sure that watermark.png exist in /sdcard/ "/sdcard/testOut.mp4", // "main_w/2 - overlay_w/2", // in the middle of X-axis "main_h/2 - overlay_h/2"); // in the middle of Y-axis
adding watermark on video
myHelper.addVideoWaterMark(MainActivity.this); //MainActivity改成你自己的Activity
there should be try/catch exception outside the above code, press Alt+Enter should work.
example code:
try { myHelper.addVideoWaterMark(MainActivity.this); } catch (CommandValidationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }